On Thursday, 21 July, the EU-funded EU4AGRI project launched a Public Call for grants for support measure to strengthen agricultural practices through networking with scientific and research organisations.


The ultimate goal is to strengthen development of scientific and research institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina through grants from the European Union, and support the development of capacities of organisations that bring together agricultural producers and processors along economic and interest lines.


Who can apply under this Public Call? 


Higher education and scientific-research institutions in the fields of agriculture, food technology, veterinary medicine and biotechnology registered in Bosnia and Herzegovina are eligible to apply for this Public Call, exclusively in partnership with at least one organisation that brings together agricultural producers (agricultural cooperatives, companies in agricultural and food production or associations of agricultural producers and other non-governmental organisations with experience in implementing projects in the field of agriculture and rural development) along economic and interest lines.


Under this Public Call, BAM 2.4 million is available, and support funds per application can range from BAM 100,000 to BAM 400,000.


Beneficiaries will use the funds to implement projects that include scientific research in the areas of climate change mitigation and adaptation, introduction of new production technologies with the aim of increasing productivity, introduction of digital tools and technologies in the process of primary agricultural production and processing of agricultural products, protection and improvement of animal and plant health and animal welfare, and reduction of food losses and waste.


Applications can be submitted by 25 July 2022, and the deadline is 12 September 2022 by 17:00 hours.

Applications are submitted only through electronic application delivery system https://javnipoziv.undp.ba/ facilitated by EU4AGRI project. Applications submitted in any other format (e-mail, post, fax, etc.) are not acceptable and applications submitted in this way will not be considered.


The Public Call can be accessed by all interested stakeholders through the official website of the project, eu4agri.ba.


The first INFO session will be held on Thursday, 28 July at 11:00 a.m., via Teams online platform, requiring registration.


Additionally, online interactive consultations for potential applicants will be organised during the duration of this Public Call.


EU4AGRI is a four-year (2020-2024) project of the European Union worth 20.25 million Euro, aimed to modernise the agri-food sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project is implemented and co-financed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in BiH and the Czech Development Agency (CzDA).


For more information, please contact:

Vesna Latić, Communications Associate, vesna.latic@undp.org 

Communications Department, United Nations Development Programme in BiH (UNDP)