Project EU4AGRI, financed by the European Union, launched today Public call for investments to improve and develop rural/local market infrastructure in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through this public call, EU4AGRI will support investments in infrastructure for activities related to agriculture and rural development, such as green markets, purchase and distribution infrastructure and services; as well as improving the quality and availability of produce for market and the development of sales and marketing channels.

Implementation of this project improves rural areas by strengthening local markets and enabling local producers to plan and improve production and placement of agri-food products. Total available budget allocated for this Public call is BAM 1,95 million. 

Current state of rural areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina often results in negative economic and social trends that are characterized by several issues: small and uncompetitive farm holdings, fragmented agricultural lands, small production plots and low level of production and technology. As a result, agriculture is weak and uncompetitive and cannot present base for sustainable development.

The role of local governments in this process is of high importance, because of their role in designing development policies and proposing possible solutions to local producers and small entrepreneurs that will lead to beginning of sustainable development in their local communities. Therefore, this Call is exclusively aimed towards local governments. Deadline for submission of applications is June 18, 2021.

Public call, as well as all accompanying documentation, can be found here.

So far, 29 investments of farmers and agri-food producers from Bosnia and Herzegovina were supported through EU4AGRI project with total of BAM 5,1 million investments. Information on selected beneficiaries of investments of EU4AGRI project can be found on

EU4AGRI is a European Union 4-year project (2020-2024) valued at 20.25 million BAM that aims to modernize agri-food sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Project is jointly implemented and co-financed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in BiH and Czech Development Agency (CzDA).