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About EU4AGRI project

European Union Support to Agriculture Competitiveness and Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina

European Union Support to Agriculture Competitiveness and Rural Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina  (EU4AGRI) Project is a four-year initiative (2020-2024) that aims to modernize agri-food sector, create new jobs, as well as retain existing ones, and support recovery from crisis caused by COVID-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The EU4AGRI project is primarily funded by the European Union (EU) under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). Worth EUR 20 million, the project is implemented and co-funded jointly by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Czech Development Agency (CzDA).


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All projects
Fruits and vegetables
Milk and diary
Meat industry
Poultry and eggs
Market infrastructure
Medical herbs
Advisory services
Processing of mushrooms

Fruit and vegetbles

Number of supported projects: 12

Total value: 2.268.830

Total project support: 2.237.970

Milk and diary products

Number of supported projects: 16

Total value: 2.780.387 KM

Total project support: 1.618.674 KM

Local governence

Number of supported projects: 3

Total value: 521.560,12 KM

Total project support: 442.942,91  KM


Number of supported products: 2

Total value: 199.947 KM

Total project support: 146.687 KM


Number of supported products: 3

Total value: 1.165.460 KM

Total project support: 548.015  KM

Meat industry

Number of supported projects: 10

Total value: 4.266.925 KM

Total project support: 2.068.108  KM


Number if supported projects: 2

Total value: 609.551 KM

Total project support: 378.610  KM

Poultry and eggs

Number of supported projects: 1

Total value: 66.580 KM

Total project support: 43.277  KM

Market infrastructure

Number of supported projects: 12

Total value: 3.950.793 KM

Total project support: 2.699.185  KM

Medical herbs

Number of supported  projects: 1

Total value: 434.389 KM

Total project support: 281.832  KM

Advisory service

Number of supported projects: 6

Total value: 234.983 KM

Total project support: 230.948,02  KM


Number of supported projects: 2

Total value: 313.167,28 KM

Total project support: 263.900,58  KM

Proccesing of mushrooms

Number of supported projects: 2

Total value: 912.756,44 KM

Total project support: 547.653,86  KM

All projects
Fruits and vegetables
Meat industry
Milk and diary
Poultry and eggs
Medical herbs

EU4Agri Recovery projekti

Broj podržanih projekata: 78

Ukupna vrijednost: 9.539.888 KM

Odobrena bespovratna sredstva: 6.799.572 KM

3 .920
Number of supported agri-food operators through EU4AGRI & EU4AGRI-Recovery
2 .070
Small farmers
1 .961
Legal/physical entities
Local self-government unit
31 .791.507
million total investment through EU4AGRI project
48 .476.857
million total investment

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